Saturday, January 3, 2009

Train verses Caravan

Out of all the people staying at the hotel waiting to move onto the train we were the last to leave. Apparently there was a lot of work to be done on our room, but the wait was worth it. Before we arrived we had prepared for the worst and had very little expectations. We packed very light with this in mind. I had had my fingers crossed just for our own toilet. I wonder if the shock was visible on our faces when we first saw our room. It is so much bigger than even the biggest room we had imagined, and yes we have our own toilet and shower and added to that washing machine and tumble dryer. So much feels sparkly and new, they did a great job.

It is actually bigger than our old caravan (we are very lucky) even though the train moves from place to place it feels more like an apartment than something on wheels. So much better than a caravan; no sorting out the electric and water, no legs to set and no driving. There isn’t a weight issue to worry about either as it is solid and built well. Also there is no packing down or setting up due to you still ‘living’ in your space as it moves, though we have yet to experience that.

One thing from a caravan point of view which may be a bonus for some people is your neighbours can change from week to week when you arrive in a new Town. So if you are next to someone you don’t get on to well with it can be just a week you have to grin and bear it. On the train you are pretty much stuck with your neighbours for the next two years, and we aren’t talking neighbours divided by a white picket fence. Luckily (so far) we get on well with our neighbours and hopefully that won’t change.

Things to add to my ‘Things I’ve noticed that are different’ list...

1) Light switches flick the opposite way to the UK, OK it isn’t a major notice but at least it doesn’t involve food!
2) I can’t find quilt covers anywhere; do they exist in the US?
3) Customer service isn’t as hot over here as I expected it to be, who would have thought I’d miss Vodafone.
4) Where were the Christmas crackers? Something was seriously missing at Christmas dinner.
5) And still, what is it with day-glo food.

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