Saturday, May 9, 2009

Providence, Rhode Island.

The train was once again parked in a big long line but this week we were back to gravel, stones and dust, and to make it even worse, the bus couldn't drive down side of the train and we were at the wrong end. Resulting in a 20 minute walk to the bus in the morning and a 20 minute walk back, which isn't to bad unless you are carrying all your grocery shopping or a school bag that feels like it is packed with rocks.

The building was pretty much joined to the mall so that was handy and there was a Walmart and Stop and Shop a little walk from the train. The main advantage of having a mall so close though is not the shops, its the free wifi, updating and uploading here we go.

It was a short week, this week due to a two day train run so we didn't explore all that much. We did go to a Reptile Zoo though which was fun and very hands on. As well as the crocodiles, snakes and turtles they had a selection of farm animals too. Willows favourite was a baby rabbit named spot. Actually she liked all the babies and found out that one day old guinea pigs look older and can fend for themselves better than week old rats.

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