Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Corpus Christi TX

So we left New Orleans and started the journey to Corpus Christi without being 100% sure we would even get there, as we weren't the only ones travelling in that direction. Tropical storm Alex (the first of the season) was also heading that way and rumour was it was picking up speed and could turn into a hurricane.

So the start of the week was a bit wild in more ways than one. You could feel the storm building all around you. Even though the actual hurricane took a different route and missed us we still experienced a tropical storm which was pretty wet and blustery, but still really hot. Along with the threat of hurricanes we also had tornado warnings. What a week for Tweedy's mum and dad to come and visit. Willow stayed at there hotel a few nights and after the first night they were evacuated to the hotel basement because of tornado warnings. I really didn't like that and first chance we got we put operation Digweed in place and rescued them.

We did go to the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History which was right next door the the arena. This seemed like a safe activity as we would be able to get home easily from there. I'm glad we went as it was pretty good and a lot larger than we realised. One of the exhibitions here contain the ships of Christopher Columbus, not the real things but repliers of the Purra and the Santa Monica.

Outside was the Voyage: A journey through our solar system. This was very similar to one at one of the Smithsonian's in DC. This may be because this museum is also owned by the Smithsonian. There was also an art museum and a children's museum that we didn't get to as well as an aquarium and the USS Lexington.

Right outside the Arena was a water feature that you could paddle and play in and as always with these things Willow loved it.

Also right outside the arena was the sea. If you followed the sea wall round you came to a small area of sand where you could swim. Normally you can hire the usual beach things here but because of the hurricane everything that could blow away had been packed away. We managed to get in for a swim but it was a bit too rough to spend too long in there. Luckily we had use of a swimming pool at the hotel as well, so Willow managed to get loads of swimming in and I turned a lounger red!

The train yard and arena should have been perfect this week, in that it only took 10 minutes to walk from one to the other and in between the two were a bar called Brewster Street Icehouse and it had a playground for children to play in. Of course it would have been a bit better if the weather had been better, but it was still pretty good. We made it to the bar a few times, but not because it had a playground but because Willow moved in to a hotel for the week. The train was also split weird this week and we didn't have a vestibule which I really didn't like.

We had our first Whataburger here at the first ever Whataburger. It was OK, certainly better than MacDonalds or Burger King and it had a pretty good view across the sea.

We celebrated The 4th of July in Corpus Christi and were lucky enough to stumble across a street party. There was a parade, bands, pony rides and blow ups to bounce on but Willows favourite was definetly the petting zoo and she fell in love with a pig. Later on there were fireworks on the water front but we had to watch them from the train as we were too scared it would leave without us.

Corpus had great potential but we didn't manage to experience it to the full. We did manage to experience the threat of a hurricane, and tornado with a tropical storm thrown in for good measure. So we have done them now and don't need to repeat it.

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