Friday, September 14, 2007


OK all my good intentions of blogging regularly while I was away with a life didn't quite go to plan. I'd like to say it was due to me actually having a life but it was more down to having no wireless connection in the evenings when I had the time and very limited Internet access during the day. So this is just a quick update.

Edinburgh had the potential to be great but we where just too busy and tired most of the time to take advantage of it. The weather was pretty rubbish as well which didn't help trying to convince people to take a flyer, but I guess I wouldn't want a soggy flyer either. Willow was seriously unimpressed at her work load and handed her notice in and moved to Aberdeen. It was the longest I'd been apart from her and I didn't like it.
I think she dealt with it better than me.

So 'Tweedy's Lost Property' had brilliant reviews but unfortunately they came towards the end of the Festival so didn't help ticket sales, though numbers did pick up a bit in the last week. If you where one of those that travelled up, down or across to come and visit and show your support, Thank you and hopefully you thought it was worth it.

Seems a bit mad that we will be back up in about 2 months, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Photo by Claire Cox

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