Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I survived...

OK I know as a mother this isn't something I should say but, I really don't like children very much. I really don't get the expression 'I don't mind other people's children because you can give them back'. I have never been one to coo over a new born baby, or any baby come to think of it. Now a puppy is cute, but a baby!! Before Willow was born I think I had only held one baby and that was my (sort of, that's another story) Sister. I don't think I liked it too much, she was screaming the place down as my mum phoned the doctor.

I disliked (not sure if I disliked them but I really didn't like them) children so much when Tweedy and me decided to get married it was on the condition that I would not change my mind on the kid issue. I use to get told "Oh it will be different if it's your own" Me, I couldn't see it making a difference. (OK you where right on that one) Then one day something bizarre happened. At the age of 33 (for one reason or another) I changed my mind, shocked the hell out of me I can tell you.

So here I am, the mother of one of those child things. I like her, she is great, we have a laugh and I love us hanging out together, but it does bring about problems. And the biggest thing for me to deal with as a mother is she likes other children, she wants to have friends round for tea and stuff. She has even spoken about 'a sleep over', and to say I'm not looking forward to that is an understatement.

This week Willow turned 6 and asked for a birthday party, actually she has been asking for one nearly everyday since her last birthday. So on Monday we (Yes I made sure it was a day Tweedy was home) collected six 5 year old girls from school and walked back to the house. I had been dreading it, my idea of hell. But actually it wasn't too bad, though Tweed should take most of the credit there. Three hours later there had been lots of (very loud) laughter and more importantly no squabbles or tantrums, not even from me.

What scares me the most is I'm starting to get use to having other kids about, at this rate I may even start to like some of them lol. Actually I think it may be too late and it's already happened.

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