Monday, March 2, 2009


I think Richmond was nice, though I didn’t really see enough of it to really say. I really liked where the train was parked this week even though we were in the middle of nowhere, it was a really nice nowhere. The nowhere in question was Reedy Park right next to the river which had some nice walks along it and even though the river was pretty wide you could boulder hop the full length of it in places, which we did. There was a hole in the fence opposite our door which Willow could squeeze through which saved her walking round. Unfortunately I didn't fit and I have the scratches and bruises to prove it. Willow said it was a great adventure ever.

Our first day here we had snow early in the morning and Willow hoped to make snow angels but it never came to much and we never saw it again.

Once again we were in one big long line but it didn’t make much difference as there wasn’t anywhere to actually go to except down by the river and the bus managed to drive the full length of the train so you could be dropped off right on your door step. On the other side of the train we had a live track so trains would come hurtling down there day and night. Thank you Mr Train drivers who slow down once they realise it is the RBBB train and there are people asleep on there. The gentle hum as they pass is so much nicer than them rattling passed.

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