Sunday, May 9, 2010

Charleston, West Virginia

We didn't get to see much of Charleston but I don't think that was really a bad thing. I didn't like it very much.

The building was right next to a fairly decent mall though so that was very convenient. The elephants went there for brunch one day which was fun. Watching them stomp on watermelons is always good.

The best thing about Charleston was the train yard. It was nearly in the middle of nowhere, but a nice nowhere surrounded by hills and fields. One hill close by had a clear flat top to it and was just asking to be climbed. Many people did climb it. Willow started to climb it but didn't manage. You could walk through the fields to a river but unfortunately it was a bit of a step hill to get down so we just used the net to catch butterfly and not fish.

Even though we were nearly in the middle of nowhere there was a grocery store near by which was very handy. Actually being able to walk to by food and walk home again is a luxury we very rarely encounter.

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