Sunday, July 12, 2009


The very first day we arrived the heat hit hard. I thought it was hot in Las Vegas and even if it is only slightly hotter here, that little bit really does make a big difference. In Las Vegas I didn't like the heat because it effected my child's enjoyment of what we could do, even though we still did lots. I personally didn't mind it too much but here I don't need to see it through a child's eyes, I can dislike it all on my own, it is too hot.

We did manage to cool down a bit on the first day here in a some hotel swimming pool. A friend of Larry's who once worked on the show but now lives in Phoenix knew some one who worked there and we had a very nice afternoon bobbing about in the water.

Back stage at the building there was an ice cream machine, which was a little bit like the claw game you get at arcades and fairs except with this one it works on suction and you always win. Unfortunately we had to walk past it a few times a day and Willow always wanted one. The main trouble with this is it is so hard to argue on the topic of ice cream or lollies when the temperature is 110F outside. Though one day we hit jackpot and managed to scoop 2 ice lollys (Popsicles) in one go. Now that really was like the claw machines, wondering if we would loose it before it got to us.

Due to the heat we didn't really plan to do very much but we did get to go to the Science museum, and it was quite a good one, we are getting a bit spoilt on all the museums we go to so we are getting harder to please. We went a couple of times and got a couple of Imax movies in too. Willow loved Shark which was 3D but wasn't as impressed with Ancient Greece which was my attempt to get her a little bit more interested in Gods of Greece, one of her books at school. That plan failed.

One thing we were both excited about was TMNT's in the park next to the Museum. It is the turtles 25th Anniversary this year and they are doing a bit of a tour to celebrate. Maybe it was because we had been excited and the build up the anticipation, but it was a bit of a let down really, but there was free pizza! I also felt quite sorry for the poor person in the rubber skin (it wasn't a real turtle).

Our friends who visited us in Vegas followed us to Phoenix, well we have other friends here also so they visited them too. They rounded up a couple of friends who came to the circus to see Tweed, around about 50 of them I think. It was also really nice to go round someones house and spend an evening like 'normal' people. Willow made a new friend too, she said he was very good at listening but I have a feeling a 12 year old boy didn't stand a chance against a 7 year old girl in the chattering stakes.

Oh and did I say it was hot!

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